The only reason I would use attack is if your enemy is going to escape into enemy fighters coverage and they have much stronger/healthier fighters. What this means is that if the enemy takes 50% of your health, then u attack (so in this case 50% dmg) For patrol, enemy takes 25% of your health (in this situation it does 50% but it’s halved), then u attack (so you would do dmg with 75% health) Second round, enemy is damaged, they would do 14% dmg then you would have 61% health remaining and do 50% dmg.ĬONCLUSION ON HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION:attack button u do dmg with 50% health, whereas on patrol you would do dmg with 68% health on average (75% health on first tick and 61% on second tick)Ĭonclusion on everything: you would do more damage on patrol and you wouldn’t expose your planes when refuelling (when refuelling u do no dmg and you are counted as a light armored unit). THIS IS JUST A HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION, REAL GAME MAY DIFFER In terms of dmg, patrol is also more efficient due to the reason stated above and the defending troops attack first. After that, you need to travel back so patrol is more time efficient. For instance, the RPM for the M19 is 312 RPM, and with the Akimbo equipped you, need 2 shots (1 shot 84 DMG) to the chest to kill someone at 100 HP. Then, you would have to refuel 10-30 mins (depends on airstrips). And here, Akimbos having a faster TTK completely makes sense as you get two of the same weapons, so bullets to kill technically 'reduces' as you have two pistols. Patrol does 50% dmg per 15 min, while attack does 100 %dmg.